iographer setup

Be a better chef, be a better filmmaker

Be a better chef, be a better filmmaker

Have you ever seen a mouth watering recipe on Pinterest, in a trendy cookbook, or even a magazine? Have you drooled at the thought of making this masterpiece of a dish yourself, only to realize you don’t exactly have the right ingredients or cooking utensils? You think to yourself: it can’t be THAT different if I just substitute a few things, maybe do without one or two ingredients, I can make a fork work instead of that fancy utensil. If you’ve ever faced this level of optimism with cooking, I applaud you. However, chances are that masterpiece didn’t come out exactly like the picture, and surely didn’t take the easy 25min prep time that the magazine said. Why? Because the right tools are essential to making a masterpiece.


Now why am I talking about cooking on a site that has mobile filmmaking gear? Because when it comes to mobile filmmaking, the right tools are essential if you want to make videos worth watching. Videos are just like food, if it’s not good, you’re not going to finish it!


Let me give you some information about myself, and show you why a recent graduate with minimal knowledge of filmmaking, learned how to make videos and grow my video creativity, just by starting with the iOgrapher.


My name is Stephanie, and I am our Customer Success Manager. My educational background is in business administration. Long ago, our CEO David Basulto was my high school news team teacher. Truth be told, I dreaded making news segments in his class, because I felt silly not knowing anything about videos. (The iOgrapher was invented shortly after I graduated high school). Flash forward to college, I had the opportunity to intern for David, and now I work for iOgrapher full time.


Sure, I admit to having a somewhat creative personality, though I have a determined mindset to make whatever I need to work, work. So, I relate to you if you admitted to being that “settle for substitutions” chef at the beginning of this post. As I admitted earlier, I really had limited knowledge of filming. The basics of iMovie and auto-focus were the only “tricks” I knew, which aren’t even tricks! Then I got a job working with this amazing little case. As soon as I got one, I thought wow this is really cool… for people who are into filmmaking, but that’s not me.


Then, I started filming a few things here and there in my personal life, because I had the iOgrapher. The more I started to film and play around, the quicker I realized there is so much in my life that can be filmed. Then I got a tripod, something I never thought I would use. Though the tripod made filming things so much easier! How convenient it was to have this 5 second set up, but I couldn’t see how helpful it was until I actually had it. I mostly liked to film my travels, not needing audio because I would overlay music with my videos. Then I got a microphone, and wow does that make a difference! Suddenly even I could make these easy videos, that were actually high quality! 


Now I'm the go-to person in my family for putting together family party videos, or helping friends with their youtube channels, or helping my artist friends record time lapses of them doing artwork. Suddenly I was this expert in videography, just because I had this little set up. My favorite creation is an awesome ocean cliffside time-lapse of the August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse! You can watch it here


Until you have the right tools, you are not going to feel inspired to be creative and make something. Until you have that perfectly sized skillet or a waffle maker, why would you bother making a gourmet brunch yourself? That is the beauty of the iOgrapher. It’s the door to the world of mobile filmmaking. Start out with a case and some lenses, then you’ll see how quickly you’ll be craving audio, lighting, tripods, maybe even multi-camera setups! Now, I take my iOgrapher for my iPhone and iPad mini 4 everywhere, because why not?


So get out there and create some new recipes and masterpieces, and then film it, because you have access to the right tools. Comment below with how you plan to be creative. We'll choose one of you to win a $10 iOgrapher gift card! 

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